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The Valleriana is a mountainous region located in the province of Pistoia, in Tuscany, Italy.

The Valleriana is a mountainous region located in the province of Pistoia, in Tuscany, Italy. This charming area is known for its natural beauty and rural environment. The Valleriana is characterized by green hills and lush forests, making it an ideal place for nature lovers and those seeking a peaceful escape from city life. The region is crisscrossed with hiking trails that allow you to explore the beauty of the Tuscan landscape. In the small scattered hamlets within the Valleriana, you can discover the authentic atmosphere of the Tuscan countryside. These communities preserve local traditions and culture, offering an authentic experience to those who visit them. Cuisine in the Valleriana reflects Tuscan traditions, with rustic dishes such as farro soup, polenta, and game. Local restaurants and trattorias offer the opportunity to savor these regional specialties.

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